How to remove smelly shoes instantly

 odourous shoes? How to Clean Shoes of Odors Product Maintenance

Everyone has a favorite pair of sneakers that occasionally stinks a little. Fortunately, there are techniques you may do to deodorize your shoes and restore their fresh scent.


Spray bottle, vinegar, baking soda, soap, and optional essential oils.

Unhygienic shoes are a typical problem. It might be inconvenient when your feet continue to leave an odor in your sneakers, regardless of how clean they are. The worst-case scenario is that it can be plain revolting, prompting you to wonder, "How can I get the smell out of my shoes?"

Stinky shoes are the result of bacteria. They proliferate in great numbers on your foot and leave behind organic acids including methanethiol, isovaleric acid, and propanoic acid. These bacteria aren't hazardous, but they can nevertheless leave a persistent odor.

The main bacteria present on the feet, Brevibacterium, for instance, produces methanethiol as a byproduct. This organic acid smells like rotting cabbage and musty socks and has a strong sulfuric odor.

Your feet could still smell even if you practice the best foot hygiene. This is partially due to the fact that your feet have the highest density of sweat glands per square inch of your body. Even if sweat doesn't smell by itself, those bacterial wastes do. Due to the fact that shoes retain sweat and moisture, which creates an atmosphere conducive to bacterial growth, they make the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

The 8 Best Methods for Eliminating Shoe Smell

1. Baking soda

Want to use a homemade solution to deodorize your shoes? Employ baking soda. It serves as a natural deodorizer by absorbing odors and microbes. There are two ways to deodorize shoes with baking soda:Combine 12 cup of cornstarch, 14 cup of baking soda, and 14 cup of baking powder. Sprinkle the mixture in both shoes or place it in a pair of cotton socks and wear overnight. Add a few drops of your preferred essential oil for an additional smell boost.

Alternatively, if you want to keep things straightforward, simply sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes and let them sit for at least 24 hours.

2. Vinegar spray

Vinegar cleans microorganisms from shoes and eliminates odors. Simply fill a spray bottle with an equal mixture of white vinegar and water. After wearing the shoes, spritz the interiors with the solution and let them air dry. Your running shoes will continue to smell better for longer if you do this to them after each run.

Tip: Before using the solution, carefully clean your shoes inside and out to maximize the impact.


Placing a bar of soap inside each shoe and leaving them on for the night is another DIY method for getting rid of sneaker odor. Bacteria and the odor they cause are eliminated by soap. Additionally, because soap is porous, it will absorb the odor and replace it with a fresh, soapy scent.

Before placing your soap bars into the shoes, a tip should be kept in mind: wetness will only serve to promote the growth of bacteria.


A quick and simple technique to get rid of scents from shoes is to dry off any extra moisture. After a run, leave your shoes in the sun for a few hours to properly dry them out before your next outing.

5.Adopt Socks

A guaranteed technique to make shoes smell is to remove your socks. Warm feet produce sweat and moisture, which socks absorb. If you frequently experience sweaty feet, this is especially crucial.

Consider a pair of cotton-made Nike socks, which are sweat-absorbing and breathable and will help keep your shoes odor-free.

6. Aromatic oils

Popular natural deodorizers with antifungal characteristics include tea tree, clove, and cedarwood essential oils. For instance, a research from December 2007 indicated that clove essential oil significantly inhibits bacteria growth on the feet to reduce odor. These oils are a triple threat since they combat bacteria, get rid of odors, and leave behind a pleasant aroma.

Drop a few drops of essential oil into your sneaker and give it a moment to breathe. As an alternative, you can combine essential oils with other natural therapies like vinegar or baking soda.

7. Proper foot care

You should be particularly cautious when cleaning your feet. Apply soap or a cleansing agent between each toe and all the way across the sole of the foot, and then rinse thoroughly. Here are some additional foot care suggestions to get rid of shoe odor:

Between washings, only wear socks once.

After working out, remove your shoes and socks right away to prevent any unpleasant odors from developing.

Make careful to completely dry your feet after cleaning them. Any dampness that remains on your feet will promote bacterial development.

When possible, remove your shoes and socks to allow your feet to breathe. This will allow any sweat to evaporate without transferring bacteria.

8. Examine the Insoles

It's probably time to get new insoles if you've been using the same pair for a while. Insoles are frequently to blame for unpleasant shoe scents. You might just discover that a fresh set of insoles "magically" eliminates that lingering nasty odor.
